Instincts; Equal Protection for all Sentience

Instincts are prevalent in all Sentience (breathing ,  was { continued existence in another realm} &is capable of breathing, eternal constituents, has mind & physicality, aware of oneself & surrounding, & capable of Interaction ( has Emotions, thoughts, choices) , Relationship & Responsibility; includes animals, humans, birds fowl, fish, squirrel, etc.) species, and are classified chiefly as Moral instincts, Physiological instincts and Survival instincts; the expression of Instincts differ from being to being, however these Instincts are prevalent in all Species/ the Instinct to prevent or overcome or transcend 'pain/ seek Health or a sense of pleasure ( well-being)' is prevalent in all normal ( healthy)  Sentience.
All Sentient species are created equal. Given a Choice and in health, all Sentient beings opt for a safer ( physical and psychological) and healthier environment : Choice mechanism is prevalent amongst all Sentient beings.

Natural ( some have more Instinctual knowledge than others/ inherited) and/ or Learned ( habits from conditioing etc. become Instincts), Instincts are prevalent in all species. All species has capability to Learn (observed/ perceived from Discipline, Changes, Activity and Choices that come from  Conditioning, Rewards [ intrinsic, extrinsic ], Realisation and Experience).  Inherited/ Nature , Nurture, Disciplining and Choices affect Instincts.

Moral Instincts work as Thoughts / Reasoning in some and Emotional/ Feeling ( a sense of Knowing )  in others  wherein Solutions, Change or Explanation is sought towards Harmony.

Physiological Instincts are more fine tuned in some wherein they instinctively/naturally sense the ailments & know the medicine/cure and work at its procurement ( sheep, dogs, some humans etc.).

Survival Instincts that cause Activity of fulfilling needs of breathing, nourishment, safety, food, thirst, sleep, rest, affections and belonging are prevalent in all Sentient species. 

A more Instinctively responsible ( Dutiful,  based upon Ability)  Sentience being is said to be Morally healthy.

Learning enables to make better choices and improve, and this ( resultant brain structure)  is transmitted in further generation progeny .

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