
Miracles occur due to Love of a Caring Eternal Being !

In nature, when a violation of natural laws are made, it is because in Spiritual realm, there was a transgression ( Spirit energy Influences the natural) and an imbalance has occured in nature/physical/corporeal; Due to Merit in True Being who has plus in Righteousness, His/Her Love imparts the Correction by taking upon Self the consequences of the transgression ,& thus the deposit of Virtue spirit is done/balance restored.

Miracles serve Purpose of Enabling beings to connect, continue and serve True purposes;

Miracles can be performed by untrue/unrighteous beings also ; just as in Natural Secular arena, some use their Abilities to inflict abuse, cruelty and deception, so also in Spiritual arena, there are those who perform and take Miracles for unworthy causes& purposes.

The Integrity of Miracles is from Purpose for same.

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