

Virtual Teams bond across locales, irrespective of species, age, gender and colour : this is due to Intrinsic factors of Shared beliefs, goals and need; The "spirit energy Conscience " in beings, enables this; " Spirit energy Conscience " transcends ' matter time space' barriers ' and Reaches beings who desire so  ::: thus beings are able to access Higher strength, wisdom and virtue. ......... At same time, with "intent" for it, beings , irrespective of extrinsic differences, can access the same ' Content ' ( audio visual , 3d , touch etc. ) via technology Internet, in their Minds & Imagination: this demonstrates that the ' Influencer spirit energy Conscience ' is not limited to a ' time space matter Zone' , but by " Intent and it's Strength ".

Ms Reshma Arora, Member with Institute For Educational Research and Publication (IFERP)

Global member 

Love constant towards Us, be

Revolve is when it's not constant continuous; When something is constantly towards you, it's towards you only Without revolving/ diminishing/ lessening.


Oft it's not about creating New knowledge, terminology or processes; it's about being Aware of it: A use of Education 

All sub-components

All sub-components of oxygen, safety, water, food, health, affection and futuristic assurance are equally important towards Existing, for Working and Harmony; In Justice also, all sub-components of Integrity, Knowledge, Timelines, Apt application, Usage of words-terms-non verbal, Completion of full process with Integrity throughout and Proactiveness are equally vital.


A being can opt or change the Influence upon self  ( view, head phones, ear phones,  read , think of),  a certain literature, media, speech , thought, tune, ideology that comes from a certain Conscience mind-set ( via Intake it or refuse it) : Similarly different  " spirit soul"  Influences pervade ( Atmos, environs, within Mind etc) and their Effects are allowed or curbed through Options . Thus   Knowledge is vital towards Wise decisions. All Sentience aspires a more Harmonious existence.

Eternal undying Immortality

The "spirit soul" [ conscience, thoughts, emotions) components in all Sentience ( animals, birds fowl, fish., humans, squirrel) is Eternal , being non-materialistic, Energy and separate from body physicality . A strong Intent of Trueness Conscience can transform the physicality. Immortality is via Affableness with Character Nature of True Conscience wherein Essence electrons chemical electromagnetic ions photonic of Truth Spirit gets transferred, dissolves the corporeal and Establishes itself. [ Transformation, Dissolving, New is perceived even in natural course of things in  all of nature existence] seed Transformed into Tree water Dissolves