
Created equal

All Sentient ( animals, birds fowl, fish, humans, all other non human species) species is Created equal: some factors/ obviously perceived Similarities that determine this ::: 1) Physiological, Instincts and Learned behaviours ( brain structures) are inherited by progeny ( descendants, children)  from their respective parental ancestors 2) All Sentient beings are capable of Choice : given a Choice, and when in health , they all opt for Safe physical and psychological environments , 3) All sentience beings feel Emotions 4) All Sentient species have a life giving breath . No sentience being is for consumption, wear or commercial exploitation.


The "spirit conscience energy" is capable of betterment/ Regeneration through changes in choices, learnings, accepting a better Ideology and tuned in to a frequency that is wiser; through Regeneration, the manifested ( attraction, repulsion, acceptance, direction, decision, natural) also transforms ( This is perceived in Changes of Attitudes , Thoughts and Habits).

Instincts; Equal Protection for all Sentience

Instincts are prevalent in all Sentience (breathing ,  was { continued existence in another realm} &is capable of breathing, eternal constituents, has mind & physicality, aware of oneself & surrounding, & capable of Interaction ( has Emotions, thoughts, choices) , Relationship & Responsibility; includes animals, humans, birds fowl, fish, squirrel, etc.) species, and are classified chiefly as Moral instincts, Physiological instincts and Survival instincts; the expression of Instincts differ from being to being, however these Instincts are prevalent in all Species/ the Instinct to prevent or overcome or transcend 'pain/ seek Health or a sense of pleasure ( well-being)' is prevalent in all normal ( healthy)  Sentience. All Sentient species are created equal. Given a Choice and in health, all Sentient beings opt for a safer ( physical and psychological) and healthier environment : Choice mechanism is prevalent amongst all Sentient beings. Natural ( some ha...

Measurable ( access to intangible Realms incl.)

Once oxygen gets into a Sentient being and he/she is existent, his/her pneuma breath spirit energy then has an unique Entity (Influenced by nature/ inherited, nurture) with a Mind, Emotion, Atmos affecting quotient , constituent and Eternal ( this non-physical energy is indestructible, by intrinsicality)  identify: this is measurable .


Virtual Teams bond across locales, irrespective of species, age, gender and colour : this is due to Intrinsic factors of Shared beliefs, goals and need; The "spirit energy Conscience " in beings, enables this; " Spirit energy Conscience " transcends ' matter time space' barriers ' and Reaches beings who desire so  ::: thus beings are able to access Higher strength, wisdom and virtue. ......... At same time, with "intent" for it, beings , irrespective of extrinsic differences, can access the same ' Content ' ( audio visual , 3d , touch etc. ) via technology Internet, in their Minds & Imagination: this demonstrates that the ' Influencer spirit energy Conscience ' is not limited to a ' time space matter Zone' , but by " Intent and it's Strength ".

Ms Reshma Arora, Member with Institute For Educational Research and Publication (IFERP)

Global member 

Love constant towards Us, be

Revolve is when it's not constant continuous; When something is constantly towards you, it's towards you only Without revolving/ diminishing/ lessening.